
Circles Intersection

We are going to calculate points of intersections for 2 circels, given their centers and radiuses on a 2D plane. Say, we will implement the following C function
int intersect(struct circle_t const circles[], struct point_t intersections[]);
where point_t and circle_t are
struct point_t {
    double x;
    double y;

struct circle_t {
    point_t center;
    double r;
    The function intersect takes 2 circles as parameter, returns the number of points of intersection, and the details of the points will be put in parameter intersection. Since 2 circles may have up to 2 points of intersection, we may call that function in following way:

int main(void)
    struct circle_t circles[2]; // 2 circles
    struct point_t points[2]; // and up to 2 points

    /* here we read the information via stdin
     * in this format
     *   (x0, y0, r0)
     *   (x1, y1, r1)
          &circles[0].center.x, &circles[0].center.y, &circles[0].r,
          &circles[1].center.x, &circles[1].center.y, &circles[1].r);

    /* 2 circles are the same */
    /* NOTE: since x, y and r are all of type double,
     *       use == to compare them may cause problem.
    if (circles[0].center.x == circles[1].center.x
     && circles[0].center.y == circles[1].center.y
     && circles[0].r == circles[1].r)
       puts("The circles are the same.");
       return 0;

    /* we call //intersect// here.
     * both //circles// and //points// are an array of 2.
     * if only one point of intersection, it will be stored in //points[0]//.
    switch (intersect(circles, points)) {
        case 0:
            puts("No intersection.");
        case 1:
            printf("(%.3lf %.3lf)\n", points[0].x, points[0].y);
        case 2:
            printf("(%.3lf %.3lf) (%.3lf %.3lf)\n",
                   points[0].x, points[0].y,
                   points[1].x, points[1].y);
    return 0;
First, let's consider a simple situation: there is no intersection
#include  // we need //sqrt// and //fabs//

double distance_sqr(struct point_t const* a, struct point_t const* b)
    return (a->x - b->x) * (a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y) * (a->y - b->y);

double distance(struct point_t const* a, struct point_t const* b)
    return sqrt(distance_sqr(a, b));

int intersect(struct circle_t const circles[], struct point_t intersections[])
    double d = distance(&circles[0].center, &circles[1].center);
    if (d > circles[0].r + circles[1].r
     || d < fabs(circles[0].r - circles[1].r))
        return 0;
    /* more codes here */
To solute the rest of this problem, besides the usual way of representing circles like
  • (x - x0)2 + (y - y0)2 = r2, where (x0, y0) is the center and r is the radius
we will also use parametric equation for that
  • x = r * cosθ + x0
  • y = r * sinθ + y0

Now, let (xa, ya) be one point of intersections, then for circle0 (that is (x0, y0) and r0), there is some θa that meets
  • xa = r0 * cosθa + x0
  • ya = r0 * sinθa + y0
then substitute (xa, ya) in the equation of circle1
(r0 * cosθa + x0 - x1)2 + (r0 * sinθa + y0 - y1)2 = r12

Don't panic though the equation is full of horrible calls to trigonometrical function. We do some tricks on the left and will get
  //LEFT// = ((r0 * cosθa) + (x0 - x1))2 + ((r0 * sinθa) + (y0 - y1))2
      = (r0 * cosθa)2 + (x0 - x1)2 + 2 * (r0 * cosθa) * (x0 - x1) +
        (r0 * sinθa)2 + (y0 - y1)2 + 2 * (r0 * sinθa) * (y0 - y1)
      = (r0 * cosθa)2 + (r0 * sinθa)2 + (x0 - x1)2 + (y0 - y1)2 +
        2 * r0 * (x0 - x1) * cosθa + 2 * r0 * (y0 - y1) * sinθa
      = r02 + (x0 - x1)2 + (y0 - y1)2 +
        2 * r0 * (x0 - x1) * cosθa + 2 * r0 * (y0 - y1) * sinθa
      = r12 = //RIGHT//

Then let
  • a = 2 * r0 * (x0 - x1)
  • b = 2 * r0 * (y0 - x1)
  • c = r12 - (r02 + (x0 - x1)2 + (y0 - y1)2)
the equation will be transformed to
    a * cosθa + b * sinθa = c
and then represent sinθa as ±(1 - (cosθa)2)1/2
    b * (±(1 - (cosθa)2))1/2 = c - a * cosθa
square both sides (then the annoying ± is gone)
    b2 * (1 - (cosθa)2) = c2 + a2 * (cosθa)2 - 2 * c * a * cosθa
 => b2 - b2 * (cosθa)2 = c2 + a2 * (cosθa)2 - 2 * c * a * cosθa
 => (a2 + b2) * (cosθa)2 - (2 * a * c) * cosθa + (c2 - b2) = 0

See, we are about to solute a quadratic equation of cosθa, which won't be very hard
    cosθ = (±(q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 - q) / (2 * p)
  • p = a2 + b2
  • q = -2 * a * c
  • s = c2 - b2

You may notice the sign ±, so how may we determine which it should really be? We have 2 choices here, one is to calculate for more details, until we find whether it should be positive or negative, the other is, we just //verify// the solution, by using the magical computing power of the computer. In the latter way, what we will do is substitute the following 4 solutions
  • (((q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 - q) / (2 * p), (1 - (cosθa)2)1/2)
  • ((-(q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 - q) / (2 * p), (1 - (cosθa)2)1/2)
  • (((q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 - q) / (2 * p), -(1 - (cosθa)2)1/2)
  • ((-(q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 - q) / (2 * p), -(1 - (cosθa)2)1/2)
in the origin equation, to see which will meet.
By the way, if there is only one point of intersection, (q2 - 4 * p * s)1/2 will be 0 and the sign is not important.

Here is the complete code

struct point_t {
    double x;
    double y;

struct circle_t {
    struct point_t center;
    double r;

double distance_sqr(struct point_t const* a, struct point_t const* b)
    return (a->x - b->x) * (a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y) * (a->y - b->y);

double distance(struct point_t const* a, struct point_t const* b)
    return sqrt(distance_sqr(a, b));

int intersect(struct circle_t const circles[], struct point_t intersections[])
    double a, b, c, p, q, s; // we have talked about those a, b, c, p, q, s
    double cos_value[2], sin_value[2]; // values for cosθa sinθa
    double d // distance between centers of the two circles
             = distance(&circles[0].center, &circles[1].center);

    if (d > circles[0].r + circles[1].r
        || d < fabs(circles[0].r - circles[1].r))
        return 0;

    a = 2.0 * circles[0].r * (circles[0].center.x - circles[1].center.x);
    b = 2.0 * circles[0].r * (circles[0].center.y - circles[1].center.y);
    c = circles[1].r * circles[1].r - circles[0].r * circles[0].r
        - distance_sqr(&circles[0].center, &circles[1].center);
    p = a * a + b * b;
    q = -2.0 * a * c;

    // there is only one point of intersection
    if (d == circles[0].r + circles[1].r
     || d == fabs(circles[0].r - circles[1].r))
        cos_value[0] = -q / p / 2.0;
        sin_value[0] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[0] * cos_value[0]);

        intersections[0].x = circles[0].r * cos_value[0] + circles[0].center.x;
        intersections[0].y = circles[0].r * sin_value[0] + circles[0].center.y;

        // verify the solution here, if it is not, negate sinθa
        if (distance_sqr(&intersections[0], &circles[1].center)
            != circles[1].r * circles[1].r)
            intersections[0].y = circles[0].center.y
                                 - circles[0].r * sin_value[0];
        return 1;

    s = c * c - b * b;
    cos_value[0] = (sqrt(q * q - 4.0 * p * s) - q) / p / 2.0;
    cos_value[1] = (-sqrt(q * q - 4.0 * p * s) - q) / p / 2.0;
    sin_value[0] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[0] * cos_value[0]);
    sin_value[1] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[1] * cos_value[1]);

    intersections[0].x = circles[0].r * cos_value[0] + circles[0].center.x;
    intersections[1].x = circles[0].r * cos_value[1] + circles[0].center.x;
    intersections[0].y = circles[0].r * sin_value[0] + circles[0].center.y;
    intersections[1].y = circles[0].r * sin_value[1] + circles[0].center.y;

    // verify and correct both solutions, still by negating sinθa
    if (distance_sqr(&intersections[0], &circles[1].center)
        != circles[1].r * circles[1].r)
        intersections[0].y = circles[0].center.y - circles[0].r * sin_value[0];
    if (distance_sqr(&intersections[1], &circles[1].center)
        != circles[1].r * circles[1].r)
        intersections[1].y = circles[0].center.y - circles[0].r * sin_value[1];

    /* if we got 2 same solutions, pick one and negate its Y coord
     * it is because cosθa is used to represent X coord of the solutions,
     * so when we got same solutions the problem must be on the Y coord.
    if (intersections[0].y == intersections[1].y
     && intersections[0].x == intersections[1].x)
        intersections[1].y = -intersections[1].y;
    return 2;

int main(void)
    struct circle_t circles[2];
    struct point_t points[2];

          &circles[0].center.x, &circles[0].center.y, &circles[0].r,
          &circles[1].center.x, &circles[1].center.y, &circles[1].r);

    if (circles[0].center.x == circles[1].center.x
     && circles[0].center.y == circles[1].center.y
     && circles[0].r == circles[1].r)
       puts("The circles are the same.");
       return 0;

    switch (intersect(circles, points)) {
        case 0:
            puts("No intersection.");
        case 1:
            printf("(%.3lf %.3lf)\n", points[0].x, points[0].y);
        case 2:
            printf("(%.3lf %.3lf) (%.3lf %.3lf)\n",
                   points[0].x, points[0].y,
                   points[1].x, points[1].y);
    return 0;

Tags: Algorithm C Geometry

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